Please note Uniform Works does not have a Retail Shop available for purchasing the School Uniforms. Please use our Online Ordering System to Purchase your Childs Uniform for Valley School.
Samples are available at the School Office for Sizing purposes, order sheets at the office can be filled out and orders placed online at, click onto SHOP, Click onto Valley School, if you have any questions please email or call Tracey 0276768858
You can pay for your order by visa or bank transfer, if you pay by bank transfer, we cannot ship the items until the money has been received.
There will be two options for delivery
Option 1 – Home Address/Business Address
Option 2 – Orders received by Tuesday will be available for pick up from School Office by Wednesday 2.30pm.
Once funds have been received you should receive your items within 1-5 working days
Winz Quotes
If you require a Winz quote for your School Uniforms, please place an order and write 'I require a winz quote' in the notes section at the checkout page. Choose payment method 'Direct Credit' and then 'Proceed to Pay'.
Once we receive your order we will send you a quote for Winz. You will not need to pay anything until you have received funds from Winz. The order will be held but not processed until we have received payment and confirmation from you.
If you have any queries, please email